Saturday 23 February 2013

Week 22 - Review

Well, as I heard from a parent dropping off their child on Thursday, "The Family Day holiday almost turned into Family WEEK, what with the snow days!"

This week we worked on activities that were familiar to the children with some new extensions. For  instance, the children have a solid grasp of what addition is and, I introduced multiplication and division. This was met as a great new challenge to discover. I find introducing "hard" work early on is never received with a complaining attitude with young children, instead with pure excitement!

One child asked to do some sketching and she chose an Indian Tiger.  Studying carefully the original sketch and then working diligently on hers for a great length of time adding colour to complete it.

A surprise for me was on Friday morning when a girl had asked if she could write her own music. I said sure and gave her a piece of paper to write it out not really sure of what she meant. As she sat in the chair, humming a few different melodies I listened. Then after about 15 minutes she said, "OK, that's it, I've finished my music. Would you like to read it?" And what she handed me was a 1/2 page filled with notes. This amazed me because we have never looked at music books or sheet music here at school. I didn't think she was in music lessons - so I immediately sent a message to her mom. And, she too, was at a loss - not sure where she would have seen this because she isn't in any music class.

We also made bread on Friday. The children loved shaping their very own loaf some made heart shaped loaves (with some help from me), baguettes, round loafs.  They are always excited to be able to bring home something to eat and share with their family. They take such satisfaction in being part of that process of making and sharing. Often in our busy life, we buy and share because of the convenience, however, if you have time to help your child make something to share, you will see a light in their eye and joy in their voice when they are able to give that "made" item to a loved one.

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