Friday 1 February 2013

Week 19 - Review

I'm not really sure what was up with today but the children were absolutely wired. It didn't really matter what activity I tried, not a thing was catching their interest. "We just want to do what we want to do" was the consensus, which I get and understand, yet a day of not much "work" tends to disappoint me a bit.

The rest of our week went well though. We worked on reviewing blends and digraphs. I also introduced the idea of compound words. They thought this was a neat concept, 2 words put together to make a brand new word. We also were able to eat pancakes, cupcakes, and they asked to eat popcorn. We tried to make a snowman and snowballs but that just didn't work out. It was the wrong type of snow.

Some of the children continued to work on addition and subtraction skills, while others worked on printing. It is always a fun time with young children decide they want to learn how to print words. It is important to just let them print any and all words. Get really excited about the length of the words too, count the letters they have just printed, count the vowels, then the consonants. Ask if they can think of other words that make the same starting sound, or a word that rhymes.

We ate a "brunch" one day as well. One of the students thought about this word for quite a while and then said, "brunch, that is a good word, it takes the br from breakfast and the unch from lunch, to make its own word...very smart!"

We are beginning to study Asia during the month of February so this may spark some new interests and a desire to do some "organized" activities?

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