Friday 30 November 2012

Week 13 - Review

We had so much fun in the snow this week! It made our recess time go by so quickly. We were able to practise our balance on the snowboard and each child did remarkably well. With a little practise everyone was able to master this!

We were able to continue our work on math (static addition and subtraction) using the concrete activities. Some children were also able to do this work on paper as abstract work!

Other children continued working on matching and printing out upper and lower case letters.

The children are also beginning to see continents everywhere they look!  In the clementine they peeled (South America) and even in the snow (Africa) grass as the snow melted.

And, we were able to pack our Christmas boxes for Samaritan's Purse, a total of 12 boxes!  Thank you for donating the items for the boxes - the children really had a lot of fun packaging them.

It's hard to believe tomorrow is December! Next week, we begin learning about Antarctica! And a reminder that Thursday, Dec 6th is the last day of school for the Tuesday/Thursday group! This year has went by VERY quickly!

And, I've been busy each evening working on a business plan for Authentic Montessori School of Huron in order to determine if opening a full elementary school is a viable option for September, 2013.  This is the logo that was designed...for a Facebook banner

for printed material it will look like this...

If you have not had a chance to fill in the survey please do so, as this is how I am determining the viability.  To date, responses have been positive.  70 surveys have been completed, with 16 families interested and willing to pay a tuition, 48 families are interested yet need to know tuition costs.  I am working on establishing a fair price per child, with discounts for siblings.  All details will be released in January, 2013.

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