Friday 16 November 2012

Week 11 - Review

This week has been filled will lots of interesting and new work. We reviewed the countries of South America again using the wooden puzzle. I find it so amazing that when all the pieces (13 in all) are out on the mat I can ask where Venezuela is or Bolivia, or Chile and the children grab the piece and place it where it belongs! We've learned about the armadillo this week and some of the children tried sketching one. We have also been learning how to build numbers. We are all quite comfortable with 1-9, so I've introduced 10-90, 100-900, 1000-9000.  The numbers 1-9 are referred to as single units, represented with a bead.  The numbers 10, 20, 30 etc, are referred to as rods, represented as 10 beads forming 1 rod. The numbers 100, 200, etc. are referred to as squares, represented as 10-10 rods forming the square. The numbers 1000, 2000, etc. are referred to as a cube, represented as 10-100 squares forming the cube. When learning how the numbers are put together and what this really looks like is key for mental math. I remember Quaid's JK teacher telling me that she had never seen a child who understood numbers like he did, "it's almost like he can see them being formed in his head". They are working on building numbers like 8724. They would have to take 8 cubes, 7 squares, 2 rods and 4 units and place them on the mat. We are also learning how to read the numbers. Once this becomes matter of fact, we'll begin to add two numbers together using static addition (no carrying over) and static subtraction, eventually moving on to dynamic addition & subtraction (carrying over or borrowing from).  We do this by playing "banker".

The children loved making empanades for lunch this week. They were able to make the dough and roll it out...adding the chicken & pea filling with a little cumin...popular in Bolivia. We've enjoyed listening to pan-pipes a native instrument to South America while working, it's very soothing.

I've had a request from the children to make more I'll have the flags ready for colouring for next week so they can accurately colour the country flags of South America.

We have also reviewed the musical terms forte (loud & strong), pianissimo (soft, quiet), presto (fast), and adagio (slow).

And, as most of you are aware, I am in the midst of trying to determine if there would be enough support to open a fully licensed Montessori CASA program (ages 2.5 - 6) under the Day Nurseries Act, as well as interest for an independent Montessori elementary school registered with the Ministry of Education. Thank you to all who have answered the survey and posting it or forwarding it to others. I currently have had responses from 48 people. If you provided me with your email address I will be sending you additional surveys to help me with planning and determining what is the best offering for parents of the children attending. Calvin has helped me understand that "maybe not every parent wants the same thing you do, and you should probably ask them". If you have not yet answered the survey please take 5 minutes to do is anonymous (unless you provide me with your email address for further communication). I would love to have 100 responses come back so encourage your peers, friends, and family to fill it in.

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